Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Review: Love & the Goddess by Mary Elizabeth Coen

Kate Canavan had everything. Perfect husband, perfect daughter, perfect marriage, perfect life. And one day her perfect life just fell apart. Her husband found another woman.  Kate had to leave her husband’s house.

Was this turn-over in her life for better or worse? 

Kate finally has to discover what she really wants.  She has a beautiful painting of three Greek Goddesses in the myth of Persephone, Demeter and Hekate. Her friend suggested on-line dating, so Kate used their names in different times on different sites to find her Mr. Wonderful. But, first of all, she has to find herself.  

The journey of self-exploring takes Kate across the world. She travels in different places (I won’t reveal where) to find the cure for her wounded soul.  With a little help from her friends,  Kate starts to live again and finally make her dreams come true.

Love and the Goddess is a story for human strength. Having everything, then losing everything and starting all over is a fight of a lifetime. You are so lucky if your friends are there to catch you when you fall. I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a child or being diagnosed with breast cancer, but I admire Kate for finding strength to move forward. 

I really liked Kate as a character. Coping with so much on her shoulders, she is a great person. I also liked her friends Ella and James, they are always there for each other, for crying on the shoulders when bad things happen and celebrate when good things happen. I have friends like that and I’m really lucky for having them.

Everything starts with a myth. With a painting of three Goddesses. Who gave her hope when there wasn’t and helped her to move on. 

I did a little research for the three Goddesses and I’ve found an interesting story. If you are curious, here’s the full story for Persephone, Demeter and Hekate. Just to mention, I borrowed it from Witchvox.com.

Some people compare this story to Eat, Pray and Love. I didn’t find that much similarity. But, I enjoyed both. You don’t have to seek the love across the world. First, you have to find the magic in yourself. Don’t worry, it has always been there.

My opinion: 4 / 5.

Buy the book HERE on Amazon.com:

Something about Mary E.Coen
Hi and welcome to this site which is your site every bit as much as mine, so I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment on anything or make suggestions.
I’m a former Home Economics teacher  – hence my love of food and cookery. I have also worked as a Fashion Stylist and public relations Consultant and would have continued to work in this area had my health and energy not deteriorated.
After revceiving a diagnosis of fybromyalgia, I became interested in holistic medicine, personal development and writing in an attempt to cope and work with a condition that is not very well understood. I completed several creative writing courses, trained as a Reiki practitioner and as Bio- energy therapist.
In the process, I developed a passion for mythology, philosophy and the study of ancient spiritual traditions. As a spiritual seeker, I’ve travelled to Mayan sites in Mexico, visited a famous healer’s ashram in Brazil and undertaken a shamanic journey through Peru.
My first  novel ‘Love and the Goddess‘ has hit the shelves and I am so grateful to my wonderful readers – bless you all!
This magazine style website is my gift to all who stumble upon it. May you be showered with lavish sprinklings of goddess stardust as you linger here and find something to take your fancy. Here is a place for the goddess in all women and the men who love her.

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